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Gustavo Basso, born in São Paulo in 1984, graduated in journalism in the University of São Paulo (USP) in 2011. In 2014, he was awarded 1st prize in the 20th Latin American Documentary Photography Contest, organized by the Escuela Nacional Sindical, from Colombia, in the category 'Heroes of the Working Class'. After going through newsrooms of TV Globo, Terra, UOL and R7 as producer, editor and reporter, he began in 2013 working as a photojournalist for the Italian agency Nurphoto, through which his pictures appeared in Time Magazine (USA), Wall Street Journal, The Guardian (UK), and other. Never leaving aside the textual narrative, in addition to the photographic work,, he has published works on vehicles such as Expresso (Portugal), National Geographic, De Correspondent (Netherlands), Ijsberg (France), among others.

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